Switch n’ Play is a Brooklyn drag and burlesque collective established in 2006.
Queer in every sense of the word, Switch n’ Play spans the gender spectrum in life and on stage. The collective’s impressive roster of artists includes K.James, Divina GranSparkle, Miss Malice, Nyx Nocturne, the Illustrious Pearl, Vigor Mortis, and Zoe Ziegfeld. The collective currently produces shows regularly at Littlefield in Gowanus, Brooklyn.
Switch n' Play won "Best Burlesque Show" at the Brooklyn Nightlife Awards in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and has also been recognized in the "Best Drag Show" and "Hall of Fame" categories. The collective has been invited to perform at Lincoln Center, Sasha Velour's NightGowns, Bushwig, the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and the Brooklyn Museum.
Switch n’ Play is the subject of a 2019 feature documentary film, "A Night at Switch n' Play," directed by Cody Stickels and produced by Chelsea Moore. The film's world premiere took place on June 1st at the Inside-Out Festival in Toronto, Canada and it has since screened widely at film festivals across the U.S. and internationally.
photo by Mettie Ostrowski